
Styrian Photobiennale

Kulturvermittlung Steiermark presents photo artists and collectives in the current issue of the Styrian Photobiennale, born or active in Styria. Photographic works from the past two years show the medium in the field of tension between classical approach and conceptual art to its present significance in the social context.

Friday, 9.November 2018

Kulturzentrum bei den Minoriten
Mariahilferplatz 3
8020 Graz

22.03. – 06.04.2019

Tu – Fr 10-17 h,
Saturday 11-17 h

Graz and Styria had developed from the 1950s – more than at that time the federal capital – to a place of production and imparting progressive photography, and created a rich breeding ground for contemporary photography with this tradition.

Kulturvermittlung Steiermark presents 195 photo artists and collectives in the current issue of the Styrian Photobiennale, born or active in Styria. Photographic works from the past two years show the medium in the field of tension between classical approach and conceptual art to its present significance in the social context. A handbook will be published for the exhibition, biographies and texts on the work will be available on the Internet, and an archive will provide information on the contributions of recent years.

Opening hours
Tue – Fri 10-17h, Sat 11-17 h, free admission!

Exhibition duration: 10th November – 15th December 2018

An exhibition of the cultural mediation Styria, supported by funds of the cultural office and the mayor’s office of the city of Graz, as well as the province of Styria, department of culture, Europe, external relations.

INFO: 0316 872-4931

Kulturzentrum bei den Minoriten

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